LUMI beteille
lumi laval

'Cryomancer of ishgard'
carrd is a wip, but shall be done soon! hopefully

I. The magician

Self Confidence, WillPower, Skill


⟴ Pale, Blue eyes.
⟴ Fair Skin.
⟴ Fluffier hair than in game, much higher up. Darker blue roots with pale blue tips. Almost like his eyes, just a little lighter in shade.
⟴ Slender, doesn't have much muscle on him in the slightest. Much easier to be seen when he shows skin.
⟴ Normal aether, nothing of note.
⟴ Comes from Ishgard!
⟴ Languages: Common, Hingan, Doman, Hannish.
⟴ Thaumaturge, but has a preference to bending ice to his will. 'Cryomancer' for specifics.
⟴ Exactly 6 Fulms in height.
⟴ 38 years old.
⟴ Facial hair is well kept, fuller than what's seen in the game. As shown on the screenshots on the carrd!

Personality & Various things

⟴ Lumi is, or can be, a sarcastic asshole at times. Other times, he's an easygoing man that's quite the conversationalist. Some consider him polite, others may say he's a tease. Either or, it really depends on the person how he acts, but he will always try to be 'friendly.' May that be because he wants something, or he's genuinely looking for friends; he tries. Unless, of course, you're too easy to tease and spew sarcastic statements at. Then you might not have as much fun of a time. Unless... that's what you like, then perfect.
⟴People have shared rumors about a man named 'Lumi' here and there in Ishgard. That being said, those rumors have begun to die down. Most of these rumors were started among the rich. The time these rumors went down, were after the Dragonsong War.

extroverted⠀ ⠀ ⠀in between ⠀ ⠀⠀ introverted
disorganized⠀ ⠀ in between ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀organized
close minded ⠀⠀in between⠀ ⠀ open minded
calm ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ in between⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀anxious
disagreeable ⠀ ⠀in between ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀agreeable
cautious ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀in between⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ reckless
patient ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ in between⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ impatient
outspoken ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ in between ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀reserved
leader⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ in between⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀follower
empathetic ⠀⠀⠀ in between ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ apathetic
optimistic ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀in between ⠀ ⠀⠀ pessimistic
hard-working ⠀⠀ in between ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ lazy
cultured ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ in between ⠀⠀ ⠀ uncultured
loyal ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ in between ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀disloyal


Stat (Standard Array)Points

ThaumaturgyLumi's preferred way of defending himself. Tends to be on the icier side than most, making him a 'Cryomancer.' Well, that's what he calls it, at least. There are others who might use the same title. That being said, he's been training this choice of spellcraft for far too long.10/10
PerceptionLumi is quite perceptive, given the jobs he often takes up. If he's not on a mission, or trying to gain information; he appears uninterested. Hell, sometimes he is and doesn't even glance at his surroundings.5-8/10
AetherologyNot necessarily his best subject ever, he's done enough research into the subject of aether. Studied sprites, voidsent, etc. While not the best in this field, he's no stranger.6/10
FightingOdd to set this here, I know, but Lumi isn't a stranger to a fight; despite his build fooling some. Not only with magic, but with other choice weapons. He's a mercenary here and there, which involves needing to fight. Someone who has seen battle all their life though, wouldn't find much difficulty from him in a head on scrap.7/10
DaggersAnother way Lumi defends himself, though keeps this fact hidden. He often has sharp objects hidden in various spots on his clothes. These can and will be used to defend himself. His aim is precise should he wish to throw them, movement subtle enough to catch someone by surprise.7/10
wipwip (aha. lil ol' me is one lazy writer. that, or i'll add more as he learns more things!)wip


RUMORS (DM First)⟴ Anyone from Ishgard might just recognize this man. Even more-so after learning his name is Lumi, though the last name is a little off. Well, know him through rumors, of course. Rumors of heresy and a house that has since fizzled out and dispersed. Not all have fallen under heresy, in fact, Lumi remains a mystery.
SHADY BUSINESS (DM First)⟴ Lumi is no stranger to odd jobs and the like. Perhaps even gaining information for someone. He's an information broker on the side. Need those deets on someone? He could be your man.
MERCENARY⟴ On a more... approachable note, Lumi is a mercenary these days. That being said, he's a mercenary with a bit more gil than the average person. Need a job done, but don't quite want to do it alone? That, or need more muscle, or magic muscle? He can be your guy, ask!
TEACHER⟴ While unknown to some, Lumi isn't a stranger to being the professor type. Want your character to learn more about Thaumaturgy? Sure, he can be your teacher. Obviously this takes getting to know him a little more first though.
BAR FREQUENTER⟴ Does your character visit bars often? Hells, sure, you've probably seen Lumi about. Maybe he can be a possible drinking buddy, or just someone to chat with.
DRAVANIAN AT HEART⟴ If your character frequents Dravania, they might recognize Lumi. He often visits, staying away from the frigid paths of Ishgard. He's also seen with a blue dragonling flying around him. ...That little guy is loud, he's difficult to miss. Ask him about it.
i'll add more later on! this carrd is still a wip.

obvious ooc stuff!

Hey wow, you got this far! Thanks, honestly, that means my character caught your attention. Woo!
Anyway, let's go through some stuff.

⟴Futas, traps, transphobes, homophobes, racists, etc. DNI. Simple as that.
⟴Respect boundaries, I'm generally okay with anything. That being said, if you feel like things are going to take a dark turn, turn to body horror, etc. I'd appreciate a little /tell asking if things are okay! That being said, I'm really easygoing when it comes to most things.
⟴ERP Is fine with me, but please don't rush into it. I like to have something leading up to it.
⟴My sleep schedule is fucked, I'm usually waking up late and staying up later. I'm dealing with EST time zone.
⟴I usually mirror post length, or try to! That being said, I can write a lot. Pardon if I take too long. I promise I'm there, just a lil slow sometimes!
⟴If I miss any post, hey, send me a /tell! If I miss that, damn, I really do be afk.
⟴If you attack my character, I use Grindstone rules if I don't know you, or we didn't plan anything beforehand.